Tri-County Electric Cooperative Rates
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Tri-County Electric Cooperative Rates Download as PDF
Basic Facility Charge or Monthly Minimum Bill
A large portion of the cost of providing electric service to our members is for building and maintaining service. The Basic Facility Charge (BFC) and Monthly Minimum Bill are based on fixed costs such as the cost of materials for the power lines, meter and transformer, taxes on property, interest on borrowed money, maintenance, and billing—those costs associated with keeping power available even if no electricity is ever used.
Wholesale Power Cost Adjustment
The Wholesale Power Cost Adjustment (WPCA) may fluctuate by an increase or decrease in the cost associated with buying power wholesale, operational costs or sales volume. The Board of Trustees may increase or decrease the monthly adjustments as it deems necessary to maintain the financial stability and integrity of the Cooperative.
Agricultural Sales Tax Exempt Form
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Manufacture Sales Tax Exempt Form
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